Friday, August 28, 2009

cave 19


Cave 19, Ajanta
Cave 19 is a fine late-5th century chaitya. The entrance is surmounted by a large chandrashala. The sculptural program on the outside is a bit obscure, but has to do with Buddha ordaining his successors.


Cave 19, Ajanta

A standing Buddha, with sheer drapery covering his body, appears on the front of the stupa, which is topped by an impressive three-tiered umbrella. A barrel-vaulted roof with stone ribs arches above the central hall. The band between the column brackets and the roof is decorated with sculpted panels of the Buddha.

The interior is generally similar to cave 26.

Brackets and roof panels

Cave 19, Ajanta

An impressive variety of decoration on the brackets and panels includes Buddha images, flying celestials, mounted riders, vegetation, and lion heads set at intervals above the panels. Comparable decoration is found in cave 26.



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