Friday, August 28, 2009

cave 26


Cave 26, Ajanta

The interior of cave 26 (late 5th century) is larger than, but similar to, cave 19. The Buddha on the front of the stupa is seated rather than standing, and is framed by a straight lintel rather than an arch.


Seated Buddha

         Cave 26, AjantaFrom the front of the stupa. Buddha is seated on a lion throne with legs apart, his left hand in vitarka mudra, his right forearm broken off. The Buddha's feet rest on a lotus footstool. He is flanked by riders and flying attendants.
Roof Panels

Cave 26, Ajanta

Like its counterpart cave 19, cave 26 is richly decorated with panels of Buddhas, attendants, flying figures, lion heads, and foliage.

Standing Buddha
Cave 26, Ajanta

The standing Buddha, wearing transparent garments, is flanked by chauri bearers in this niche sculpture.

Parinirvana (detail)
Cave 26, Ajanta

A very striking sculpture in cave 26 is this very large (7m, or about 21 feet) reclining Buddha, in the pose which depicts his death or parinirvana. The peacefulness of Buddha's expression reflects his blissful leave-taking from the world of material existence.



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